Knowledge A Ticket To Paradise
Following The Steps Of Our Righteous Predecessors
Knowledge is more important than wealth and property. No wonder, knowledge is among the important things which Allah (SWT) directed Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to pray that he will be granted more of it. Allah (SWT) says in the Holy Qur’an: "And say: My Lord, increase me in knowledge." (Qur’an 20:114) Seeking knowledge is one of the things that will surely lead us to Paradise.
Knowing Allah (Azza Wa Jal)
The greatest and most noble of All Knowledge
The essence of all knowledge is knowing Allah (azza wa jal). In fact the motive behind acquiring knowledge is to know who Allah is and what He wants from us. This is why Allah had sent messengers through time in order to guide us to Him. Any knowledge that drifts us away from glorifying Allah and holds us from displaying the due grandeur to Him is deemed a disgrace. The path to success in acquiring knowledge is to constantly glorify Allah and seek His help and guidance.
Inspirational Biographies
Reading The Biography Of The Great Scholars Of Islam A motivational Key To Success
Imam Abu Hatim, Muhammad ibn Idris Ar-Razi (277 A.H) said:
The first time that I had set out to acquire knowledge (at 18 years old) I remained away from home for 7 years. I had commenced counting the mileage that I had covered on foot till it reached 1000 Farsakh (around 5000 km), thereafter I stopped counting.